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2025 Spring Registration starts January 1, 2025

Los Alamos Youth Lacrosse

Los Alamos Youth Lacrosse's (LAYLAX) primary purpose is to teach and promote the game of lacrosse in a fun, safe and sportsmanlike environment. As a youth league, LAYLAX is dedicated to the skill development of lacrosse players and teaches a game of speed, position, and finesse rather than physical intimidation or promoting a team's winning record. Along with learning lacrosse, LAYLAX strives to instill the values of sportsmanship, respect, teamwork, fair play, and a love of the sport of lacrosse for teammates, coaches, and officials; in essence, we "Honor the Game". LAYLAX believes that sportsmanship is a way of life and will conduct all activities in a manner that will set an example of good sportsmanship and friendly competition for our players.

Regular Registration HERE!

Starts January 6, 2024

Calling for all Volunteers.

Please contact Tara Key for position

Need new Board members

Contact Tara Key for positions.


LAYLAX Treasurer and Admin